( awase ) 細身タンブラー 朱紫表地と裏地の組み合わせを遊ぶ袷の着物のように, 大胆で日本らしい色合いがグラデーションでつながったタンブラーです。 底部に丁寧に施された金のアクセサリーは, 内面に反射されてグルグルとダンスします。
Design: 綾 利洋(o-lab)
寸法:直径 83mm / 高さ 85 mm
・ 電子レンジ、直火、湯煎での使用を避けてください。
slender glass red/purpleJust like the “awase” double-layered variety of Japanese kimono, this glass tumbler has bold, contrasting colors on the inside and outside, which are blended into a distinguished gradation. The carefully painted gold decorations on the bottom of the inner side of the glass appear to dance as they catch the reflection of light inside the glass.
Design: Toshihiro Aya (o-lab)
φ 60mm / h 103 mm
Product details
Product name: Urushi glassware
Type of surface decoration: Urushi lacquer fixed by heat
Base material: Glass
Country of manufacture: Japan
Please heed the care instructions as detailed below.
・ Please use this piece for its intended purpose.
・ Please discontinue use in the event of a breakage,
chip or crack in the glass.
・ To ensure the colors do not fade or degrade, store
the piece away from exposure to direct sunlight.
・ Do not use abrasive scrubbing pads or brushes.
・ Do not shake or subject the piece to any strong impact.
・ Do not stack Hyakushiki pieces.
・ Avoid exposure to boiling liquids, direct fire, etc.
・ Do not microwave.